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Edger Blade Sharpening Set


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Edger Blade Sharpening Set

This sharpening set will help keep your leather edgers sharp! You can also use the polishing compound and sandpaper to polish other blades.

How to use:

  1. Place the sandpaper on top of the metal rod.
  2. With the handle pointing towards you, place the bottom groove of the edge beveler on top of the sand paper and metal rod and pull towards you. When you get to the end of the rod lift the edger up and bring back to the top to do a few more times. Do not do a push and pull motion, you ONLY want to pull back along the rod, not push forwards.
  3. Next, take the polishing compound, apply a drop of oil to it, and rub the compound along a strip of paper with the metal rod beneath. Then, just like you did in step 2, pull the beveler along the rod a few times to polish the blade.
  4. Instead of step 3, you can also rub the polishing compound with oil along the edge of leather and then pull the edger blade back along the leather edge to polish.


  • Metal Rod
  • Polishing Compound (Jeweler's rouge)
  • Sandpaper #800
  • Sandpaper #1200