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Alpha 6, AlphaFlex Leather/Textile Cleaner, 236ml (8oz)


0.61 Ounces
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AlphaFlex Leather/Textile Cleaner

AlphaFlex cleaner is an aggressive, non toxic, quick drying, multi surface cleaner. 


  • Soak a damp cotton cloth with the cleaner
  • Lightly rub the surface of your material in a circular motion until the dirt has lifted from the material
    • for best results, test on a small area of the material first
    • if material is porous, lightly wet the material prior to use of the cleaner
  • Allow the material to dry completely 

About Alpha 6 Corporation:

Made in Detroit, Michigan, AlphaFlex leather/textile cleaner is a helpful tool to completely clean your material before beginning the painting process.